South Chapter Vacuum-Assisted Diecutting
Nick-Free Tooling Techniques and Understanding the Vacuum System
Program: Do you build dies for and/or operate a Baysek, One-Cut or other vacuum-assisted flat diecutting press? Learn why there are technical reasons for standardized tooling, design modifications and production layouts. Understand the diecutting process from sheet pick-up to finished product stacking.
This session will cover:
- Types of rule
- Rubber characteristics
- Tube channeling
- Design and suction cup placement theories
- Overall cutting die fabrication
The program will include a presentation along with a live demonstration on press.
Presenter: Ryan Hetzel, Operations Manager at Baysek Machines, Inc.
Location: International Paper - Newton Container Plant, Newton, NC, USA
Registration Fees*: $45 USD IADD Member; $55 USD Non-member (includes lunch and refreshments)
*10% discount when you register 3 or more people from the same company.
For More Information: