Volunteer at the IADD

Help improve the Industry. Stay informed.
Volunteer Opportunities
Find an opportunity that is right for you.

Volunteering at the IADD is rewarding! It allows you to:

  • Sharpen your leadership skills
  • Learn from the best and brightest in the field
  • Network intimately with industry experts and thought leaders
  • Learn from diverse people and viewpoints
  • Contribute to the collective knowledge of the industry
"Volunteering creates a platform for networking, learning, teaching and advocating for the well-being of the industry."

Volunteer Opportunities

Committees & Task Forces
Lead—or participate—in areas ranging from finance, technical services and membership to sales & marketing, safety, media and program planning. Pick your passion—a wide variety of activities allows you to choose the opportunity which suits you best.

Chapter Leadership
Create exciting programs and events to engage members and prospects at the local level.

Board Leadership
Represent IADD members, plan for the future, establish major policies and programs and oversee the association’s finances while you influence overall goals and strategy.

Share your thoughts and experience—individually or as part of a panel—at local chapter meetings, annual or midyear national meetings or through programs at the Odyssey Expo trade show.

Share your expertise through articles published in The Cutting Edge monthly magazine.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up?
It’s easy—just complete our volunteer opt-in form online or contact us.

Are there any restrictions or requirements to join?
Membership on certain committees may be limited by the Bylaws, Association policy, or the Committee Chair. The Association staff will assist you in determining whether there are committee vacancies.

How much time will volunteer service take?
You are able to control how much time you would like to spend - from as little as one hour for a specific task to a number of days over the course of one year. Most committees and task forces get together via mutually convenient conference/Zoom calls.

What if my time is limited?
No worries! There are many volunteer opportunities available from quick tasks that only require an hour, to longer projects that take around five hours a month. Work with the IADD Volunteers Coordinator to find the best fit for your schedule.  

Sign up today!

Volunteers Coordinator

  • Leanne Schimming

    Leanne Schimming

    Chapters, Volunteers & Education Coordinator, International Association of Diecutting and Diemaking

    View Profile


    Contact for more info